As you set out to write your next blog post, it’s easy to focus on those right keywords that provide the best SEO, and perhaps lose track of how easy it is to read and what it visually looks like. You need to focus on how to make a website blog that also reads well; keeping in mind that reading from a screen can be a lot more straining than reading off a printed paper. There are many ways to improve this ‘readability’, and I’ll outline 9 tips in my post today. Here’s to hoping I “write by example” ?
1. Headlines and Paragraphs
Headlines draw attention. It splits up the blog post in a way that it’s easier to read. And following from the headline is a clear paragraph, relevant to the headline you placed. My recommendation is to keep the paragraphs short. Before publishing your blog post, read it over and if the paragraph seems a bit long then it’s probably too long. You are better off splitting it into two shorter paragraphs.
2. Use White Space
In line with the use of headlines and short paragraphs, don’t underestimate the use of white space (or blank space). Again, it can be difficult to read more than a page on a screen. The white space makes it easier and less stressful – there’s less chance of “losing” sight of where you’re at in the post (if you were to look up from your screen for a split second). Hands up: who is guilty of printing out whitepapers, proposals, and even emails…for the simple fact that it’s easier to read in printed version than on the screen (me me me!! Can you see me holding my hand up! ?)
3. Web Fonts
Use a font that isn’t too fancy; one that doesn’t clutter up your site. Keep it simple, is my advice on the font type. Also, I recommend using a dark grey font colour on a white background; apparently this is the optimal choice on a website. I’ve read over and over again that black on white on a screen can create “too much contrast” and is therefore tiring on the eyes. If you choose other colours, you may want to keep in mind different levels of colour blindness in people.
4. Images
I buy gossip magazines to look at the pictures. Not to read the gossip. I like to see beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes and designer handbags that I lust for. OK, maybe images in a blog post doesn’t directly translate but you get the picture (pun intended?). Images that are relevant to your blog post, and that works for your audience are as important as white space. We are visual beings. It just works.

5. Responsive and Mobile Friendly
These days most WordPress themes have a responsive and mobile friendly user interface. If your version isn’t updated and not yet mobile responsive; please update asap. I’m only talking for myself here, but I will never read a blog post on my phone or iPad from a site that isn’t responsive to my device.
6. Difficult words Be Gone
Limit the use of words that are difficult to read. Along with short paragraphs and short sentences, it is easier to read a post online that doesn’t have those long, complicated words. Personally I feel quite strongly about this; I’m not from an English speaking background and so I have an actual dislike for “intelligent-sounding” words…just speak like you would when you have a conversation with a friend; don’t try to sound too smart by using those complicated words.
7. Social Media sharing
Make it easy for your reader to share your content. That’s it?
8. Back to Top Link
This is one that I’ve come to really appreciate. In fact, I only recently added a ‘back to top’ plugin in my site and wish that I did it much sooner. It makes it more user friendly, and if your reader likes your content you definitely want to make it easy for them to get quick access to more of your posts.
9. Call to Action
No matter where you write, your post should always end withsome form of call to action (CTA) that gets your reader to do something and not forget about you. Weather you want them to check out other posts you’ve written, buy something, check out Wealthy Affiliate (see what I did there ;), sign up to a mailing list, or whatever else – just make sure you take advantage of the opportunity you have as they’ve given you the time of day so far.
And on that note, here’s my humble call to action. I simply want to hear your feedback or questions – a comment below to know I’ve kept you awake thus far is all I ask from my post today ?
Have a fantastic day, and I look forward to hearing from you
Hi – wanted to send you a quick note how much I really like this post – these 9 tips for readability are really good and I would never of thought of most of them – perhaps only 2 or 3. Images, fonts and mobile friendly are the areas that I am weak on so I definitely need to upskill here. Thanks again – hopefully I will get better in the weeks and months ahead, any suggestions on font or mobile friendly plugins?
Hi Michael, thanks for the thorough feedback. Always appreciated 🙂 I’m not using any particular plugins in regard to fonts or mobile friendliness, but it’s something I can look into. Will revert back to you on this one.
Thanks again
These are all excellent tips that I’ve been using on my own site blog. This is the first time I’ve actually focused on these tips when building a site and I have to say that I’ve seen way more interaction on my site.
I think I was afraid to leave white space in the past, not realizing that it makes things easier when reading online, though this method would be more awkward when reading a physical copy of something.
I’ve also started adding more photos to my posts, which I think is another reason readers seem more engaged. It’s pretty amazing to see how such simple changes can make such a big difference.
Great feedback Aria! And I’m pleased to hear you’re using it too – awesome!
Have a super day!
This is quite helpful. I’ll implement that call-to-action on all my posts as I monetize my site. Then I agree with the concept of having back-to-top as well. These are great tips. Thanks.
Thanks Chyke, love your feedback!
Have a lovely day!
Hey Karina
I really loved this post. I have been trying to start my own blog, but the most daunting thing for me is writing content. Do you ever struggle with that?
Thanks for help on this. I will focus on these lovely tips you gave me and see if they help. At least my posts will be readable.
Hi Mel, Thanks for reading my post. And well done to you for starting you own blog!!
I agree that it can be daunting writing content at first; in fact, I wrote a post only yesterday about when I write and where I find the motivation 🙂 – if you care to read it, here it is: Juggling a work and family life in online business
Thanks again, and feel free to direct message me if you get stuck in your content writing!
I am so glad I found your post. I like how you highlighted the steps to follow to improve readability. I have a blog and I will implement your tips. As I can see what I miss is the call to action button.
Which tool do you recommend to create a call to action?
Thank you for your informative article.
Hi Dany,
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate it. and it’s awesome that you found value in ti! 🙂 In terms of the call to action, I’m not referring to a ‘button’ as such – it’s more an action in terms of what you’d like from your readers…do you want them to read a particular review you’ve done? (then add a link to said review and recommend they read it) Do you want them to check out a product for themselves? (then add link to where they can buy it and suggest they check it out). Hope that clarifies.
Best of luck in you own blog! I’d love to have a read – whats your website?
Thanks again
You have definitely kept me awake to the end of your article! 🙂
But seriously, your tips were spot on. I could not agree more. My biggest problem, to implement your 4th tip, is to find images for my niche. Ones that won’t land me in hot water from copywrite infringements. Would you have any hints on what to do about this? If you write an article about it, I’d be interested to read it.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for your lovely feedback Cath, I really appreciate it. And I’d love to hear more about your niche and why you find it hard to find images. Are you part of an affiliate group that could provide support specific to your niche? I’m with Wealthy Affiliate, and if I was stuck on finding images I’d reach our to the members and would expect to get some support and tips from them. Personally, I mostly use Pixabay and Stocksnap for my images….that is, unless I use personal photos. Feel free to send me a direct message and I can try and help the best I can
thanks again for reading and commenting 🙂
Some great advice here for budding bloggers like myself – I really needed some help and guidance on the way I am publishing my posts.
I did realise that my content seems a little squashed, and as you point out here – I should aim to put more ‘white space’ in my articles and make each paragraph (much) shorter.
How about article length – what word count should I be aiming for with a regular post?
Hi Chris,
Thanks for reading, and your feedback! I’m excited to hear that you’re a blogger too – what’s your site about?
As for article length, I always aim for at least 4-500 words. That seems to be the fine line where Google will index your post and you have the words to actually add some value to your readers.
thanks again for reading, and best of luck with your site!
I completely agree with the headlines being the way to go, I perfer a text when I can see what each section is about thanks to the headlines. I think keeping to a font for your whole website is mature and looks much better. Your website is beautiful 🙂 , thank you for the new tips and tricks to help me with mine.
Hi Jayde, Thanks for the lovely feedback. I spend a lot of time on my website, and quite recently gave it a ‘facelift’ in the form of a new WordPress theme – so your feedback means quite a lot 🙂
Have a super day!
Hi, thank you for this easy to read and easy to understand blog you have pointed out some really valuable points here.
In particular the dark grey text on white back ground and I will also be looking into inserting a back to top plugin on my website as this is something I was yet to consider.
Hi Dianne, thanks for the lovely feedback. I really appreciate it. The plugin I use for the Back to Top link is “WPFront Scroll Top”, in case you wanted to check it out for your site.
Have a super day!
thanks again
These are the best 9 tips I have read about blogging. I love all the 9 tips that has been published in this article but most importantly I really like the eight one where it says add a Back To Top Link. That is something that I have never heard before and it is a really useful one if I think about it right now.
Thank you so much for these tips.
Ahh reading this makes me so happy! 🙂 Thank you for the lovely feedback! The plugin I use for the Back to Top link is “WPFront Scroll Top”
it’s particularly great on mobile
Thanks again Sujandar, really appreciate it!