The freedom and flexibility can comes with working from home is wonderful. But it can also represent some challenges. Just how do you ever get any work done with all the distractions around? I have a few tips on just how to increase working from home productivity.
1. Get Dressed
While I do realize that this sounds trivial, I find that I instantly get in “business mindset” when getting dressed and putting on some makeup. It’s like the tip my dentist gave me when I was pregnant with my son: “Just remember to brush your teeth every day”. I remember thinking he was a lunatic for thinking I wouldn’t brush my teeth everyday…and then the baby came along, with all its madness and sleep deprivation. What a shock that was! And in the mornings I actually thought of what he said – just get ready, brush your teeth and get dressed; or it may be midday before you know it and you’re still in your PJs… And like I said, the “I’m ready for the day now”-attitude comes along with it.
2. Make a Point of Completing what’s on the To Do-list for the day
As you would in any other office environment, identify what needs to get done every day and stick to it.
3. Get out of the House
I always make a point to get out of the house at least once during my workday. Seeing you may not have set working hours, take advantage of this flexibility. Maybe go for a walk in the morning, or go to the gym at some point. What I like best about this, is that I can go to the gym at a time when it’s quiet and avoid the lunchtime or after-work rush.
4. Ensure you work your full day
What I mean here is that you ensure you work the number of hours you have set out to do. So if you are working from home full time – 8 hours 5 days a week – make sure you do work 8 hours a day. You may have the freedom and flexibility to take a 3-hour break in the middle of the day, so just ensure you actually get back at it in the afternoon.
5. Create an Office Space
Use that spare room to set up an office space to be used for work only. Have your desk set up and your proper office chair so you don’t get any unnecessary back and neck aches due to bad sitting positions. If you, like me, don’t have a spare room, then still allocate a set place for your work area.
6. Deal with disruptions
…or don’t deal with them…Sure, it’s fantastic that you are in a position to put on the laundry and the washing machine on a 2 minute break, just make sure you don’t get stuck doing house work for hours of the day. Family and friends can also be a disruption, so just make sure you manage this in a way you are comfortable with.
7. Get Social
If you know other people nearby that also work from home, then it’s a good idea to have weekly or monthly catch up – for work. Seeing you have the flexibility to work from anywhere really, I find that human interaction is needed for me so that I don’t go stir crazy and start walking up the walls.
I also cannot praise enough the support I get within the online community. Seeing I make money online doing affiliate marketing, I get daily support from my fellow members at Wealthy Affiliate. So whatever type of work you do from home, I recommend that you connect socially with piers on your social media sites and other industry site.
I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback – How do you ensure a productive work environment at home? Please drop me a line below 🙂 and you can also sign up to my email newsletter, and get notified on any new content
Have a super day!
A lot of us want to work from home but we forget that working from home is no easy task. The distractions can be much especially in the evenings when everyone is around. During the day when the kids are in school the house in normally quiet but when they come back and also when the wife comes back in the evening there can be a lot of distractions so what I do is to make sure I work more hours during the day and then in the evenings I just try to chip in an hour or two just to do some task that doesn’t require a lot of concentrations. That’s how I do it.
Hi Jay, Thanks for sharing your experience – really appreciate it
Have a lovely day!
Yes, freedom and flexibility are my greatest rewards since i began working from home full time this year.Thank you for this awesome tips you’ve shared with allThe only downside to working at home is disruptions and indiscipline, and with the tips you’ve shared, i’m quite certain that productivity will increase for anyone who practices them.I had a great time reading through, thanks once again Karina
Thanks for the great feedback! Have a super day!
I love this post! I am afforded the freedom to work from home periodically and I try to do everything that is on your list. More or less, I am successful at completing everything I set out to do.
The one point you made is something I never thought of…getting dressed. I will have to try that tomorrow because the mornings are the toughest to get going. Maybe if I change out of my PJs it will help.
hehe sounds so trivial doesn’t it…but it get’s me in the right frame of mind! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
Have a super day!