Get Website Content – What To Expect From Each Lesson At Wealthy Affiliate, cont.

Get Website Content

Now that I have briefly shown you how perfectly easy it is to follow the steps on Level 1 when you get started with Wealthy Affiliate – let’s take a look into Level 2 and how to get website content created. As you can see within my Level 1 Post, Wealthy Affiliate takes great pride in providing easy-to-learn step by step lessons which make sense and are packed with useful information.

These next 10 lessons of Level 2 are going to be priceless to your online education. You will certainly get a better understanding of techniques that will generate traffic to your site at no cost. So let’s get on with it and grab some of that money-generating traffic that you need.


Lesson 2 – Building Out Your Website Theme-Based Content

Right away, let’s focus on giving the user an invaluable experience. Making your site irresistible to users is what we want to achieve here. Get your users engaged and there is your profit opportunity.
Appealing content for your readers, combined with excellent keywords, will get your page indexed by Google more efficiently.

Next – you will be walked through this process with an online video packed full of info from Kyle (WA owner) on how to set up your initial website theme-based categories.

Get Website Content

WATCH VIDEO: Setting Up Your Initial Website Theme-Based Categories


Tasks To Complete

Get Website Content


So here in Lesson 2, I have demonstrated how Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to set up your initial framework for your website.


Lesson 5 – Making Use Of Visuals

Visuals are just as important as written content. Adding relevant imagery to all pages and posts will boost your success. As online users we are intrigued by the visual by nature, so use this medium to your advantage.
This lesson will show you how to find free images for your site.

As usual, there is a video walk through which gives step-by-step guidance on how to find and add images.

Get Website Content

WATCH VIDEO: How to Find & Add Images to Your Website


Tasks To Complete

Get Website Content


This is just a taste of the 10 lessons in level 2. Each lesson is easy to follow and straight to the important point that you need to follow to build a game changing site for yourself.


As always, I encourage your feedback and comments. What are your expectations in online business? How soon are you expecting to start making a profit? Please ask if you have questions, I’ll reply at my earliest convenience. And please sign up to our newsletter to keep on top of any new blog posts in this world of earning a living working from anywhere.


Have a great day!


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