The Review – Yay or Nay?

Product Name: Fiverr Affiliate ProgramThe Review


Cost: Free

Overall Score: 9/10


This is a Review. The Fiverr Affiliate Program is affiliated to the online marketplace commonly known as Fiverr. This online marketplace offers various services that are available for anyone regardless of their global location. You can either get signed up to Fiverr as a client offering services or as a freelancer seeking certain services.

With as little as $5, you can access the below-mentioned services:

  • Article writing and copywriting
  • Translation
  • Video and animation creation and editing
  • Graphics and Design
  • SEO Services, etc.

The Fiverr Affiliate Program works like any other affiliate program. However, in this particular program, you have to recommend services found on Fiverr using their affiliate links.

The earnings are on a commission basis and adheres to the Cost- Per- Action structure. In other words, you only earn a certain amount of money if a purchase is made from an affiliate link on your website. The commission structure is fairly decent in comparison to other affiliate programs – see current commissions to your right.

To be able to sign up to the affiliate program, you first have to sign up to Notably, it is important that you recommend quality products that are related to your website’s niche.

Other online marketplaces such as Upwork and do not offer affiliate programs. This only leaves us with one of the largest and popular online freelancer site: Fiverr. If you’ve used this site before, joining the affiliate program would help you earn some passive income on the side.

However, before joining the program, below are few advantages and disadvantages that are worth noting.


  • A variety of gig/ work options to select
  • High potential to earn good commissions
  • Flat based commissions are still a good amount
  • It is easy to join and sign up
  • The Fiverr Affiliate portal is easy to use and navigate
  • No requirements to join: Anyone, regardless of location and profession, can join the program


  • Works on a one-time commission for new customers only
  • The commission is flat based
  • The Fiverr affiliate portal offers very basic tools. There are a few banner ads in place for you to use, but nothing to shout hooray about. You may find that you have to create these yourself.

The Review


Who is it for?

This program is suitable for anyone interested in making a passive income on the side. Since you can easily use this program with other affiliate programs, one can still earn some good money.

It’s perfect for those that are already familiar with Fiverr. This way, you are able to recommend quality services to your website users.


The online support provided is helpful. To have any of your questions and queries met, simply contact their online team immediately. I haven’t personally needed to contact them yet, but feedback from industry colleagues is positive.


As previously mentioned, it is absolutely free to join this program.  You will, however; have to sign up for the program before you can start earning your commission.


Fiverr affiliate program is a legit affiliate program that can help you earn some extra money. By simply adding an affiliate link to their site, you can start earning your passive income. Considering its global reach, the potential income is quite high. Additionally, Fiverr is excellent for hiring someone to do your creative writing for your blog posts.

I have no problems recommending Fiverr and their affiliate program.

As always, I’d love to hear your questions and/or feedback.

Have a super day!


22 Replies to “The Review – Yay or Nay?”

  1. It’s good to hear that there are legitimate opportunities out there and that fiver is one of them. I’m currently learning and growing in affiliate marketing through another program, and am actually at this time promoting that program, but you’ve given me food for thought, here. Seems to me I can probably take the skills I’m currently learning and apply them to fiver and possibly have a secondary passive income stream. I’ve heard of fiver but wasn’t aware of the advantages and disadvantages that you had outlined in your article. Thanks for the heads up on this.

    1. Thanks for your insights Kevin 🙂 and there’s nothing wrong with having a few complimentary affiliate programs on your site. Happy New Year!


  2. Hi Karina,  thank you for writing this post on Fiverr. I have heard a lot about it. Your post makes it very explicit and easy to understand. I didn’t know Fiverr had an affiliate program. That makes it sound more inviting. Of course everyone loves a little bit more coming in. Fiverr is worth giving a try.

  3. I think that Fiverr is a great program. I used to use it for writers for my books and I use it now for writers for my website.

    I wasn’t aware there was an affiliate program though. Is this something new?I think it would be a great thing to be able to be an affiliate for Fiverr.

    It’s a site that’s getting more and more popular and why not promote Fiverr to make extra money?Promoting Fiverr could pay for my writers now for my website too.

    Do you think I can make some decent money from Fiverr and how long have you been an affiliate?

    1. Hi Rob, 

      Thanks for your insights 🙂 I have only recently become a Fiverr affiliate, so only had a couple of sales through it so far. But the commissions are fairly decent per sale, so I’m aiming to plug it more often now that I see the earning potential in it. My main source of income from affiliate marketing is still Wealthy Affiliate

      Happy New Year!


  4. Hey Karina! Nice blog post! I have to say that I definitely agree with Fiverr being ​the “Top Dog” when it comes to affiliate sites like these. It’s always good when you can use the services from a site, but also be able to earn from it as well. Me being someone who has used Fiverr, as well as the other competitors like Upwork, and Hibu, Fiverr is hands down the best choice in my personal opinion.

    1. Hi Matt,
      Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, really appreciate it. I’ve recently started using a writer from Fiverr for content, and very happy so far. Glad to hear you have similar experiences.

      Happy New Year!


  5. Interesting blog!  I have heard of Fiverr, but didn’t realize that they had an affiliate program.  I actually appreciate the fact that you laid out all of the pros and cons of this program.  It sounds like it would be worthwhile to look into now that I know what it basically deals with.  Thank you so much for a very informative review of this program!



  6. Wow this look very interesting, definitely something I’d like to look into. It sounds so easy to use and offers so many resources.

    I’ve always wanted to make my own website to share things on, but well with THIS it seems I can also make a profit at the same time, which is awesome.

    Thank you for sharing this information, I’m going to look into it some more and use the resources it offers very soon!

  7. This is a great review.  I have used Fiverr in the past with mixed reviews.  The platform is awesome and for the most part I was happy with the Gigs I have used.  I did have a few that werent so bad.

    Fiver is a great platform both to have work done for you and for people looking to make some online income.

    Once again this was great


  8. I’ve heard of fivver for accessing a wide variety of services online, but I wasn’t aware that it had an affiliate program as well. It’s always good to read a review as I often forget what kinds of services are available on fivvr, so it’s a good reminder for me on that aspect too! Well written review, thanks for putting it together and sharing this valuable information for us affiliate marketers :).

  9. Pretty interesting.I have used Fiverr services in the past and I was impressed by the quality of work provided by the sellers.I was unaware that they have an affiliate program. Only setback I see is the difficulty in recommending new sellers through this program.Most buyers like to buy from Level 2 sellers.

    But since I have personally used their services, I might as well give it a shot,, Hoping to  join it right away.

  10. Thank you for this advice, Karina.

    I’ve used Fiverr extensively to design covers for paperbacks published on Amazon, to get articles written when I needed a lot in a hurry and once to get a complex spreadsheet designed with a lot of back office calculations that were outside my ability level.

    As a result, I have a number of excellent suppliers that I’m happy to recommend.

    But I never even knew that Fiverr had an affiliate program.

    I’ll be definitely looking at this as another source of passive income.

    Karina, thanks again.

    1. Hi Phil, i only recently found out they had an affiliate program too. I’ve used both Fiverr and other writing services sites before, but only Fiverr has an affiliate program from what I can tell.

      Have a super day!



  11. Hi Karina,

    Fiverr has been around for a long time now.

    That should say something about their services.

    I have never used them, but I have often thought that I should for some of my time-sucking tasks I do.

    I was not aware that they had an affiliate program, so that is well worth me looking at as I have lots of friends who are in a similar position as me in business.

    So thank you for that!

    I don’t think this would personally make me a large income, but if I got a couple of sales a week that would be worth looking at.

    Good job and the ‘Con’ list was very informative!


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