How To Make Money During The Holidays – Happy Travels!

family holidayFor the first time in our lives, we were actually making money during the holiday. The hard work that we have put in on our website and our affiliate marketing project, is finally starting to pay off. Sure, we worked for a few hours every day during the holidays, but at least we went.

Having recently returned to Australia from 3 weeks in Norway to visit my family and friends, the biggest challenge this week has been battling jet lag. Flying across the world with a 2 year old is certainly not the most relaxing adventure either, but nothing beats a long big loving hug from my mum which I hadn’t seen in more than a year! In brief, we got to spend 2 weeks with my closest family, and a week with the best of friends.

I wanted to mention a few options out there for making money while travelling. Personally, we got there through our involvement with Wealthy Affiliate; however, there are other ways too.

Affiliate Marketing

I won’t go into details here, as I’ve discussed it on a number of blog posts on our site. You can check out the Wealthy Affiliate review here, or read more about how to make money this way here.

Travel writing

One day I’d love to be able to travel ‘full time’ and get paid in the same capacity too. In the same way we have only just started earning money from this website, many people make money writing about their travel experiences. Apart from your own travel blog, you can also sell travel articles to other website or magazines.


Whereas this is not for everyone; if you do have a talent and/or passion for entertaining a passer-by audience then a few hours of singing or dancing at a crowded place might give you that extra spending money for enjoying your holiday.

I personally know a guy that travels the world selling his artwork on the streets. He is an amazing painter, and I still to this day see him painting on his grand canvasses on the streets of Sydney. It’s always so interesting to find out where he’s been since I last saw him….Italy, Poland, Canada?

Working Holiday Visa

You can get a working holiday visa in several countries; such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Such a visa makes it possible to take on regular jobs in your chosen country and earn money like a local. The length of this visa will depend on the country you go to. From personal experience working at a youth hostel in Sydney, this visa is hugely popular among young people backpacking and they tend to work in casual roles in bars or hostels, or even fruit picking.


Ok, so these options might not give you the total feel of a ‘holiday’, but it certainly allows you to see new parts of the world…and include being a language teacher abroad, working a ski season or on summer camp, or crewing a yacht.

Ah, all this travel talk makes me want to go on another holiday ASAP. Here’s to many more money-making holidays in the future!

And as always; I would love to get any feedback, or to hear your own experience on the matter.

Happy travels!
