Long-Tail Keyword Research – How These Keywords Can Improve My Website Ranking

Long-Tail Keyword ResearchBeing a newbie to the world of online business, you may feel that there is a lot of focus on SEO (search engine optimisation) – and rightly so. We know that keyword generation, and managing your keywords, are important ingredients to having a successful website. Keywords are essential in driving traffic to your site – and I’ll demonstrate how long-tail keywords can improve your SEO.

Long-Tail keywords as a Strategy

Long-tail keywords are two or more words in a phrase that are infrequently or uncommonly searched keywords.
Long-tailed keywords are specific and may gain less traffic, however, they also tend to draw more of a targeted audience – aka quality traffic. There may be less traffic generated by long-tailed keywords, but seeing the conversion may be more than shorter keywords (read; shorter keyword sentences/phrases).


Target Audience

When you use long-tail keywords you are essentially cornering a smaller audience as potential clients are using long-tail keywords to narrow down what they are searching for. If a visitor is searching for say “High Octane Racing Petrol” they are trying to filter out anything that is not related to that specific phrase. If they search for plain “Petrol” the search result would be huge and it may take some time to find the product they are looking for.

Long-Tail Keyword Research

Long-Tail Keyword Research


Getting higher ranking in the major search engines will generate more traffic to your site. That of course, increasing your opportunity to convert your readers to paying customers as their search was specific and your long-tail keyword was targeted at them.


Where To Find the Best Long-Tail Keywords

I can recommend not just one, but TWO great keyword tools;

The Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Tool

Long-Tail Keyword Research

…and Jaaxy

Long-Tail Keyword Research


You can try both of these tools for free – and I certainly recommend that you do so. Both of them show accurate QSR (Quote Search Results), which is the metric demonstrating the REAL competition – the exact number of competing pages in Google. The lower the QSR, the better. Seeing the keyword tool in Wealthy Affiliate require you to be a member there (it is FREE), please check out my honest review on the affiliate marketing giant. I have also done an extensive review on Jaaxy, definitely worth a read if you are serious about online business.


As always, please feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear – I’ll answer as quickly as I can. Would also like to hear from you for any other comments.

Have a brilliant day!


10 Replies to “Long-Tail Keyword Research – How These Keywords Can Improve My Website Ranking”

  1. Great article, totally agree with the long tail keyword strategy …. not actually used wealthy affiliate … but can also recommend Market Samurai which is what I use for keyword research plus loads more … Best wishes and continue to post the awesome content


  2. Great and informative post, what an insight on the “Long-Tail” after that “Low hanging fruits”! We are learning to love that Jaaxy by getting to know what magic it could do. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi, great looking site you have going here. I agree with you, keywords are EVERYTHING when it comes to getting traffic to your website and the two programs you have recommended are the best. I have used several different keyword research tools and none can compare to these. Good luck with your site.

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