“Blogging with John Chow” Review – Not so bad at all

blogging-with-john-chowProduct Name: Blogging With John Chow

Website: www.bloggingwithjohnchow.com

Cost: $47

Upsells: $97+$47

Owner: John Chow

Overall Score: 7/10



How to monetize your blog using a custom system developed by John Chow. Internet marketer John Chow boasts how he has taken his blog from zero to $40 000 a month. He claims that he has devised his own system. With that system he says he can teach members of his online business the exact techniques he used for blogging success. He gives members a large amount of high quality information and plenty of instructive videos packed with useful info explaining each step in each module.


Pros and Cons


  • Newbie friendly
  • 9 modules and a 30 day action plan that is very thorough
  • Plenty of high quality information
  • Members area is easy to understand and well set out
  • Lots of videos explaining each step narrated by John Chow


  • Very time consuming in the way John explain each module
  • Definitely not a get rich quick system (but then again – they don’t exist)
  • Some modules should be explained in more detail
  • Upsells
  • Lying about once in a lifetime offers that are always available
  • No personal support for this product (big downfall)
  • My biggest annoyance: You can’t exit the website with out these two ghastly pop ups offering you something to stay

 Pop up annoyance


Pop Up annoyance

Product Overview

Blogging With John Chow is a system devised by John to monetize your blog. John is the author of one of the biggest blogs in the world. Within his community as a member of Blogging With John Chow you will be walked through 9 modules and a 30 day action plan. John goes into blogging in detail and he provides 5 methods in which will help you decide on a niche.


Who Is It For?

This system is for newbies, and it will also help people who have started out but need to get back to basics. I found the program interesting and informative – good for beginners to an intermediate blogger/online business owner level.


Support and Training

There is no personal support for this product. This is a big downfall, as the importance of teamwork in online business is as crucial as it is in your regular office.



The standard price is $37 .

Additionally, there are two upsell options: “Done for you blogging systems” for $47 – and “Blogging Automation Empire” for $97



On a whole the product is not bad at all for beginners, although it does become a little confusing as some modules are a bit too basic. The fact that there is no personal support may deter some potential clients, including myself. I personally think its a good program – but it doesn’t compare to my #1 recommended training program. I strongly believe Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform for learning online business – I have done all my training here and still continue to learn every day.

If you have feedback or personal experience of Blogging with JC – feel free to comment below.


2 Replies to ““Blogging with John Chow” Review – Not so bad at all”

  1. Hey, Great review Thanks. I was considering this program but had second thoughts on it but after reading your review it seems alright… i will be trying it out sometime. And as for your #1 recommended training program I would completely agree it is #1. Would recommend people check it out. I am Going through that training and its great!

    1. Hi there,
      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment – I really appreciate it.
      And I agree with you, you can’t really fault the training in WA 🙂

      Have a lovely day!


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